Friday, July 31, 2009

What a CRAZY life

Where do I even begin? My mom, the strongest person I know has had many problem with her breast for the past 3 years. My mother is supposed to get mamograms done every 6 months do to the complications she has had. Every time she gets one done it always comes back with some kind of mass, Dr Greco, her doctor was always able to tell the same day it was done that there was nothing to be worried about, they were just non cancerious tissue. 1 year ago my mom had a bio done just to play safe and everything came back fine, the doc's decided she could wait 8 months in stead of 6 months for her next mamogram. My mom went in earlier this week to get another one done and everything did not come back fine. My moms mass was back and much larger, the doctors have reason to believe that it is cancer. ( Dr. Greco says it is suspecious) SO, my mom is going in for surgry on August 12th to take samples of this mass that they seem to beleve could be cancer. The doctors say not to worry yet because it could turn out to be nothing. The good thing about this unfortunate event is that if it is cancer then they caught it early. Please, Please, Please keep my mom in your prayers, I will update you all as soon as I am updated... Thanks

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a Scary Day

Today was a VERY bad day. It started with a friend telling us we owe a lot of money for a fine from when we were in Texas, the city of Killeen SUCKS. I started cleaning the house, waiting for my new phone to arrive I had to stay home so, after I cleaned I sat down to do my homework when I got a call from Brandon who was on his way home from Showlow with Aaron Blair. Brandon was in Pinedale when he and Aaron recieved a call from Kay Supply in Taylor saying the trim they needed was there so, they just turned down the dirt road and headed to Taylor. 4 miles up the road was a big dump truck speeding down the dirt washboard road, Brandon said he had to been going 60 miles an hour because all the dump truck left was a cloud of dust. Brandon and Aaron were laughing and saying they thought he was going to reck and then all the sudden Brandon heard a loud pop, swerved off the road and that is all he remembers. Brandon work up a few seconds later and his truck was in a tree. Appearently the tire on his truck blew out and for some reason Brandon blacked out. Brandon and Aaron did have their seat belts on how ever Brandon was transported to Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center for back and neck pain, Aaron was also transported because he hit his head hard on the windsheild. The x-rays were done and Aaron only had deep bruising and will be very sore for a while, Brandon tore the muscle and tissue in his chest and back and will also be sore for a while. Today was very scary and I am so happy now that we are home. We did have full coverage so everything will be taken care of.